Erectile Failure Conditions, Reasons, Types & Treatment – Regain your sexual potency with home remedies
Erectile Failure Conditions, Reasons, Types & Treatment – Regain your sexual potency with home remedies Sex problem is often defined as challenges or obstacles associated with sexual health, function, or relationships. These concerns can impact individuals or couples, and the effects may be physical, emotional, or psychological.Sex problem can be occur for both men and women, Common sex-related problems include: Erectile dysfunction (ED) for Men: Difficulty getting or keeping an penis erection. Premature ejaculation for Men: Penis will soft before satisfying the partner & release sperm shortly. Delayed ejaculation for Men: Difficulty in reaching climax. Low libido for both men & women: Reduced interest in sexual activity. Difficulty achieving orgasm for women: Inability to climax or reduced intensity. Pain during intercourse (dyspareunia): Pain or discomfort during sex Male Erectile Dysfunction : Brain : Here stress free brain has an important role. A de-stressed brain has the same effect as a cheerful mind. Emotion : The role of emotion is observed as a major condition. In this case, a person should keep his anger and sadness under control. Emotions play a special role in the erection of penis. Hormones : Various functions of the human body are regulated by hormones. One such hormone is the testosterone hormone. This hormone plays a major role in the erection of the penisHormonal problems :The effect is maximum at the age of 18 and after the age of 30 the effect of the hormone starts to decrease gradually.Overweight/ below weight men may develop hormone secretion problems. Nervous system: Nervous system plays a special role in sexual erection and intercourse. Here the things seen by the eyes send necessary information to the brain through the nervous system. Blood Vessels or Veins : The penis is a special organ of the human body, which contains numerous veins. When blood flow is organized in these veins, according to the instructions of the brain, the penis gets its hardness. These five matters are organized into sexual erection and sexual intercourse. Apart from these five points there are some other important points. For Example Physical Problems: Some physical problems like diabetes, excess fat, heart disease, blood cholesterol, hypertension, waist fat which can affect a man’s sex life. All these physical problems affect penile erection and sexual function. Mental problems: Fear, sadness, stress, family and economic factors are indirectly involved in sexual intercourse Excessive masturbation can cause problems. This problem can occur due to excess sex. Here various addictions including tobacco, alcohol, cocaine consumption, excessive tea coffee consumption can indirectly affect sexual problems. Sexual problems may be observed when the prostate gland becomes enlarged or swollen. Damage to the pelvic or spinal cord due to physical operation / manipulation or trauma can cause problems. Sexual problems may be observed as a side effect of certain medications. Antihistamines, antidepressants, high blood pressure, pain medications and post cancer medications can cause such problems. Prolonged cycling can cause nerve compression, reducing blood flow to the penis. Prolonged intercourse, new partner, new position etc. can cause sexual problems. Disturbance of physical exertion, sleep of at least seven to eight hours daily etc, can affect sexual problems. Indigestion, liver problems, excessive female companionship are sexual problems may be observed. Cause of sexual problems for both men & women: Sexual problems can have a variety of causes, including physical, psychological, relationship, or a combination of these. Understanding the root reasons might help you handle and manage the problems more effectively. Physical Causes: Diabetes: High blood sugar levels can cause nerve damage, erectile dysfunction, decreased vaginal lubrication, poor blood flow, and hormonal abnormalities, affecting both men and women’s sexual arousal and ability to respond. kidney or liver failure: Chronic kidney failure may result in hormonal imbalances, fatigue, medication side effects, damaged blood flow, psychological effects, and decreased confidence in intimate situations, particularly among women. Hormonal Imbalances: Hormonal imbalances can affect sex life by affecting libido, arousal, erectile function, mood, reproductive health, and energy. Low testosterone levels can reduce libido, while low estrogen levels can decrease sexual desire. Imbalances can also lead to vaginal dryness, erectile dysfunction, mood and emotional connection issues, irregular menstrual cycles, and underlying conditions like PCOS. Neurological disorders: Neurological disorders can impact sexual function and intimacy through physical, emotional, and psychological effects Pregnancy: physiological changes, exhaustion, physical discomfort, and breast tenderness are just a few of the physical, physiological, emotional, and psychological changes that affect a couple’s sex life during pregnancy. Psychological Causes: Marital or relationship problems: Marital problems can have a major effect on a couple’s sex life due to emotional, psychological, and interpersonal factors. Emotional distance, stress, anxiety, communication breakdown, loss of trust, resentment, competing priorities, body image, performance pressure, power battles, and physical manifestations of emotional stress are some of the issues. These concerns can impair intimacy, stress, and overall well-being, which can have an impact on a couple’s sexual relationship. Depression: Depression can have a substantial impact on a person’s sexual life for a variety of reasons, including psychological, physical, and relational. It can cause a decrease in libido, physical weariness, bad self-image, hormonal changes, drug side effects, emotional estrangement, anxiety, stress, and interpersonal problems. Managing these consequences entails getting expert assistance, reviewing drugs, maintaining open communication, and focusing on well-being. Depression is treatable and can frequently be alleviated with the proper approach Concern about your sexual problems: Thinking about how you perform can make it tough to enjoy sex. This might lead to a loop in which your fears induce problems with sexuality, which causes you to worry more than ever. Poor Body Image: Higher body dissatisfaction can lead to poorer relationship satisfaction, and vice versa. A woman’s view that her spouse is dissatisfied with her body can lead to decreased sexual relationship satisfaction for both her and her partner. Types of Erectile Dysfunction: Erectile dysfunction (ED) can take several forms, depending on the underlying causes. The forms of ED are frequently classified according to their root cause or contributing variables. Here are the main types: Psychological Erectile Dysfunction: