Author name: swarup

Erectile Failure Conditions, Reasons, Types & Treatment – Regain your sexual potency with home remedies

Erectile Failure Conditions, Reasons, Types & Treatment – Regain your sexual potency with home remedies Sex problem is often defined as challenges or obstacles associated with sexual health, function, or relationships. These concerns can impact individuals or couples, and the effects may be physical, emotional, or psychological.Sex problem can be occur for both men and women, Common sex-related problems include: Erectile dysfunction (ED) for Men: Difficulty getting or keeping an penis erection. Premature ejaculation for Men: Penis will soft before satisfying the partner & release sperm shortly. Delayed ejaculation for Men: Difficulty in reaching climax. Low libido for both men & women: Reduced interest in sexual activity. Difficulty achieving orgasm for women: Inability to climax or reduced intensity. Pain during intercourse (dyspareunia): Pain or discomfort during sex Male Erectile Dysfunction : Brain : Here stress free brain has an important role. A de-stressed brain has the same effect as a cheerful mind. Emotion : The role of emotion is observed as a major condition. In this case, a person should keep his anger and sadness under control. Emotions play a special role in the erection of penis. Hormones : Various functions of the human body are regulated by hormones. One such hormone is the testosterone hormone. This hormone plays a major role in the erection of the penisHormonal problems :The effect is maximum at the age of 18 and after the age of 30 the effect of the hormone starts to decrease gradually.Overweight/ below weight men may develop hormone secretion problems. Nervous system: Nervous system plays a special role in sexual erection and intercourse. Here the things seen by the eyes send necessary information to the brain through the nervous system. Blood Vessels or Veins : The penis is a special organ of the human body, which contains numerous veins. When blood flow is organized in these veins, according to the instructions of the brain, the penis gets its hardness. These five matters are organized into sexual erection and sexual intercourse. Apart from these five points there are some other important points.  For Example Physical Problems: Some physical problems like diabetes, excess fat, heart disease, blood cholesterol, hypertension, waist fat which can affect a man’s sex life. All these physical problems affect penile erection and sexual function. Mental problems: Fear, sadness, stress, family and economic factors are indirectly involved in sexual intercourse Excessive masturbation can cause problems. This problem can occur due to excess sex. Here various addictions including tobacco, alcohol, cocaine consumption, excessive tea coffee consumption can indirectly affect sexual problems. Sexual problems may be observed when the prostate gland becomes enlarged or swollen. Damage to the pelvic or spinal cord due to physical operation / manipulation or trauma can cause problems. Sexual problems may be observed as a side effect of certain medications. Antihistamines, antidepressants, high blood pressure, pain medications and post cancer medications can cause such problems. Prolonged cycling can cause nerve compression, reducing blood flow to the penis. Prolonged intercourse, new partner, new position etc. can cause sexual problems. Disturbance of physical exertion, sleep of at least seven to eight hours daily etc, can affect sexual problems. Indigestion, liver problems, excessive female companionship are sexual problems may be observed. Cause of sexual problems for both men & women: Sexual problems can have a variety of causes, including physical, psychological, relationship, or a combination of these. Understanding the root reasons might help you handle and manage the problems more effectively. Physical Causes: Diabetes: High blood sugar levels can cause nerve damage, erectile dysfunction, decreased vaginal lubrication, poor blood flow, and hormonal abnormalities, affecting both men and women’s sexual arousal and ability to respond. kidney or liver failure: Chronic kidney failure may result in hormonal imbalances, fatigue, medication side effects, damaged blood flow, psychological effects, and decreased confidence in intimate situations, particularly among women. Hormonal Imbalances: Hormonal imbalances can affect sex life by affecting libido, arousal, erectile function, mood, reproductive health, and energy. Low testosterone levels can reduce libido, while low estrogen levels can decrease sexual desire. Imbalances can also lead to vaginal dryness, erectile dysfunction, mood and emotional connection issues, irregular menstrual cycles, and underlying conditions like PCOS. Neurological disorders: Neurological disorders can impact sexual function and intimacy through physical, emotional, and psychological effects Pregnancy: physiological changes, exhaustion, physical discomfort, and breast tenderness are just a few of the physical, physiological, emotional, and psychological changes that affect a couple’s sex life during pregnancy. Psychological Causes: Marital or relationship problems: Marital problems can have a major effect on a couple’s sex life due to emotional, psychological, and interpersonal factors. Emotional distance, stress, anxiety, communication breakdown, loss of trust, resentment, competing priorities, body image, performance pressure, power battles, and physical manifestations of emotional stress are some of the issues. These concerns can impair intimacy, stress, and overall well-being, which can have an impact on a couple’s sexual relationship. Depression: Depression can have a substantial impact on a person’s sexual life for a variety of reasons, including psychological, physical, and relational. It can cause a decrease in libido, physical weariness, bad self-image, hormonal changes, drug side effects, emotional estrangement, anxiety, stress, and interpersonal problems. Managing these consequences entails getting expert assistance, reviewing drugs, maintaining open communication, and focusing on well-being. Depression is treatable and can frequently be alleviated with the proper approach Concern about your sexual problems: Thinking about how you perform can make it tough to enjoy sex. This might lead to a loop in which your fears induce problems with sexuality, which causes you to worry more than ever. Poor Body Image: Higher body dissatisfaction can lead to poorer relationship satisfaction, and vice versa. A woman’s view that her spouse is dissatisfied with her body can lead to decreased sexual relationship satisfaction for both her and her partner. Types of Erectile Dysfunction: Erectile dysfunction (ED) can take several forms, depending on the underlying causes. The forms of ED are frequently classified according to their root cause or contributing variables. Here are the main types: Psychological Erectile Dysfunction:

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Diabetes Causes, Symptoms, Risks & Treatment – Improve or rebuild your sex life with home remedies:

Diabetes Causes, Symptoms, Risks & Treatment – Improve or rebuild your sex life with home remedies: Diabetes is a global disease. About one in every 10 people is affected by diabetes. Surprisingly, in today’s civilization, the effects of diabetes are observed irrespective of age and gender. There is no permanent cure for diabetes, patients have to survive by controlling the disease. Diabetes develops when the pancreas fails to produce enough insulin or there is no response to insulin. Diabetics are divided into two categories, type one and type two.Diabetes can be easily controlled by some lifestyle changes, diet, regular exercise, adequate sleep and some home remedies or tips. Be sure to seek the advice of an expert. What is Diabetes ? Diabetes is a long-term condition that occurs when the pancreas fails to produce enough insulin or there is no response to insulin. Causes of Diabetic: Nowadays mainly mental stress, insomnia sleep disturbance or insufficient sleep, excess weight or obesity, consumption of food products produced by chemical fertilizers, packet type of food which is one of the results is diabetes. Now there is no age limit, everyone from children to young people is affected.Scientists believe type one diabetes can be caused by genes and environmental factors such as viruses. Where a person’s immune system mistakenly attacks and destroys insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas to fight infection. In type 2 diabetes, glucose cannot enter the body’s various cells due to excess fat. As this glucose enters the kidneys through the bloodstream, the brain sends an internal signal to the pancreas, which inhibits the pancreas from producing insulin.However, medical science does not have any specific information about this. Symptoms of diabetes: Some common symptoms of diabetes are observed such as increased thirst, frequent urination, feeling tired etc. In some cases, no symptoms appear at all. Sufferers may experience weight loss along with blurred vision. In addition, black spots around the armpits may be observed in children along with increased hunger or thirst and increased urination. Complications of diabetes: May face eye problems. Diabetes can cause blurred vision or affect vision. High blood sugar levels and if left untreated for a long time can cause extensive damage to the nervous system along with blood vessels. Long-term increase in blood sugar can damage the kidneys and heart, in this case the risk of heart attack and stroke is greatly increased. Leg problems may arise, problems such as non-healing of leg wounds or sores are observed. The most important matters of Diabetic, treatment of patients, drugs, dosage, duration of dosage etc. If you do not have enough experience in these matters, it is advisable to seek expert advice. Diabetic patients should be careful of sudden drop in blood sugar. Diabetics should have regular blood sugar tests, as well as kidney and heart health checks Diagnosing diabetes: A health care provider may advice certain blood tests to determine blood sugar levels. Fasting plasma glucose (FPG) blood test, which is done after fasting for at least 8 hours. This test easily determines a person’s blood sugar. Along with another blood test that is done two hours after a meal, this test measures insulin activity and blood sugar levels. At this stage A specialist may recommend another blood test (A1C) if necessary. This test measures blood glucose levels over the past three months. A test result of this (A1C) greater than 6.5% is considered diabetes. The results of this test may vary from person to person due to age and other factors. The health care provider then recommends some other tests if necessary, such as an auto antibody test, the specialty of this test is that the antibody found here is an indicator of type 1 diabetes, which is an antibody mismatch in type 2 diabetes. Urine may be tested for ketones. Ketones are produced when the body burns fat for energy. Diabetes Treatment: In the allopathic medical system, the treatment of diabetes is divided into two categories. Insulin injections are the only and main treatment for type 1 diabetes, which is injected directly into the blood. It is used as a substitute or deficiency of insulin hormone in the body. There are different doses and units of insulin.Type 2 diabetes is treated with oral doses of insulin.Ayurveda uses herbs to control blood sugar.Ayurveda prescribes various herbs that act as insulin hormone substitute. There are many herbs available in the market in combination to control blood sugar. A good quality diet, exercise, some home remedies or tricks can easily control diabetes Frequently Asked Questions Can diabetes be cured? There is no permanent cure for diabetes in modern medical system. Diabetes is controlled. How does diabetes affect life? If diabetes is not controlled, its effects can greatly affect life. Nervous system including eyes, kidneys, heart, blood circulation are severely affected. How does diabetes affect sex life? or How can diabetics rebuild their sex life with home remedies? Diabetes, or high blood sugar, causes extensive damage to blood vessels or the nervous system, along with thickening of the blood. Sex life is disturbed due to insufficient blood flow to various organs of the body including all cells.In this situation you can certainly take home remedies or tips to help rebuild and expand your blood vessels and nervous system. A total of 4 grams of cinnamon powder can be consumed in two grams twice a day after meals. To thin the blood, 1-2 part of raw garlic ( 5gm about ) can be chewed twice a day after eating. Here depending on the physical condition of the person, the dose and duration of consumption of herbs can be determined. Without prior experience one can definitely take advice from an expert. How can diabetics reduce their risk of heart attack and stroke through home remedies? Blood sugar increases due to lack or inactivity of insulin in the human body. In this condition, glucose does not enter the body’s cells, mixes with the blood, and floats throughout the body. Over time,

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Piles pain & bleeding stopped within 10 minutes – Piles Symptoms, Causes and treatment.

Piles pain & bleeding stopped within 10 minutes – Piles Symptoms, Causes and treatment. Piles / Hemorrhoids mean Severe pain and bleeding. Approximately 8 people out of every 100 Indians are affected by the Piles. Piles affected both man and women, more than 50% of them are people over the age of fifty. Eating a diet without fiber, drinking insufficient water, constipation, straining to pass stool, swelling or enlargement of the rectal veins are the causes of hemorrhoids.Hemorrhoids are observed due to disturbance of body and environmental temperature balance due to cold main zone or extreme cold. Hemorrhoid disease increases due to consumption of oil spices food or hot food, rough food.Inadequate diet, fasting, excess sexual intercourse, heavy exposure to east wind can cause piles. Piles Symptoms: Symptoms of piles ( Hemorrhoids symptoms ) include lumps or swollen veins at the base of the anus or anus. Normally during bowel movements, these lumps of flesh protrude and hang out of the anus like grapes. In some cases, these lumps of flesh enter the anus on their own. Besides, some other Piles symptoms can be observed. Diet without fiber, less water consumption, constipation due to multiple causes, excessive pressure for stools, rectal varicose veins are causes of Piles. Why will Piles come? People suffer from piles due to many reasons including modern lifestyle, diet, insufficient sleep.Eating a diet without fiber, drinking insufficient water, constipation, straining to pass stool, swelling or enlargement of the rectal veins are the causes of hemorrhoids.Hemorrhoid disease increases due to consumption of oil spices food or hot food, rough food.Inadequate diet, fasting, excess sexual intercourse etc. Diagnosis of Piles / Hemorrhoids: A specialist diagnoses hemorrhoids based on symptoms and physical examination. You can do these tests yourself. Digital rectal exam : A healthcare provider Insert a gloved, lubricated finger into the anus to feel the swollen vein.Anoscopy: Uses an anoscope (lighted tube) to view the anus and the lining of the anus.Sigmoidoscopy: Colon and rectum Uses a sigmoidoscope (lighted tube with camera) to look inside the lower (sigmoid) area. There are two procedures, flexible sigmoidoscopy and rigid sigmoidoscopy (proctoscopy).These tests are slightly uncomfortable, but not painful. Treatment of Piles: According to Ayurvedic treatment, incision or surgery is unnecessary. A specialist / ayurvedacharya prescribes herbal remedies according to the severity and type of Piles / hemorrhoids. Different herbs mentioned in Ayurveda like Haritaki, Indrayav, Peepul, Nishoth easily eradicate Piles from root. Frequently Asked Questions How many types of Piles ?  External Piles: Outside the anus Swollen or enlarged flesh that hangs like grapes or bunches. External Piles / hemorrhoids can be itchy and painful, sometimes bleeding. In some cases, they are filled with blood that appears to clot. It is not dangerous, but can cause infection with pain and bleeding. Internal Piles: The flesh inside the anus becomes swollen or lumpy. The rectum is the part of the digestive system that connects the colon (large intestine) to the rectum. Internal Piles / hemorrhoids can bleed, sometimes painfully. What are the complications of Piles? Piles which is very painful Uncomfortable Bleeding can cause anemia. Blood clots in external hemorrhoids / Piles. It can lead to infection if left untreated. Who can get Piles / hemorrhoids? People of any age can get Piles, even teenagers. (As hemorrhoids take some time to develop, it is uncommon in children). Anyone can be at risk if they have the following symptoms. Are overweight / obese.pregnant.Eat vegetables or low-fiber foods.Chronic constipation or diarrhea. Regular lifting of heavy objects.Spends a lot of time to the toilet, straining to pass stool. Permanent treatment of Piles / Hemorrhoids : In Ayurveda, no surgery is required for hemorrhoids. Internal and external swelling of the anus is eliminated by various herbs. Permanent treatment of hemorrhoids is possible with various herbs described in Ayurveda. A specialist prescribes the remedy and dosage according to the severity and stage of hemorrhoids. Piles Doctor: Piles mean severe pain and bleeding. It is divided into several chapters according to the severity of the disease. A Piles doctor specially monitor it. Some Home Remedies or Simple Tricks for Piles /Hemorrhoids: Hemorrhoids can be cured without treatment or medication in the first stage. Symptoms like pain and bleeding go away within 3 to 4 days. You can take necessary measures or steps. Drink at least 3 to 4 liters of water daily, depending on your weight. Can have Ikhur /sugarcane juice or jaggery syrup (not necessary for diabetics). Try to keep the affected area clean with warm water given with neem leaves. Increase fiber intake through diet and supplements.Try to get at least 20 to 35 grams of fiber per day. In this case, you can soak the husks of Isabgul in water the night before and consume it three days a week on an empty stomach in the morning. For best result,Herbs, such as haritaki, can be chewed broken or powdered in 10 grams morning and evening.Note:- If you have no prior experience with herbs, you can take the help of an expert. Edible food items: old boiled rice, mung dal, buffalo milk curd, vegetables like papaya, kachu, green or raw banana, fig, gourd etc. Prohibited food items: Atap rice, dry chilli powder or whole, lentils, brinjal, ginger, ghee, oil spicy food with extra sexual intercourse, fasting and staying awake at night. Piles medicine: Hemorrhoids / Piles can be eradicated by following some simple rules and home remedies in the initial stages. Irrespective of the severity of the disease, a Piles doctor’s prescription, some simple rules and piles medicines are suitable for permanent treatment of piles. Piles cure in 3 days Take remedies for hemorrhoids / piles, drink enough water, stop using ghee and take butter, eat fiber rich food to prevent constipation.Some herbs like Haritaki, Indrajab, Pepul, Nishoth etc., show effects within ten minutes of consumption.According to reports given by Piles patients, they experienced pain relief within ten minutes of taking the remedy.Piles can take anywhere from three days to three months to

Piles pain & bleeding stopped within 10 minutes – Piles Symptoms, Causes and treatment. Read More »

Piles symptoms

Piles symptoms Symptoms of piles ( Hemorrhoids symptoms ) include lumps or swollen veins at the base of the anus or anus. Normally during bowel movements, these lumps of flesh protrude and hang out of the anus like grapes. In some cases, these lumps of flesh enter the anus on their own. Besides, some other Piles symptoms can be observed. Diet without fiber, less water consumption, constipation due to multiple causes, excessive pressure for stools, rectal varicose veins are causes of Piles. Piles Doctor: Piles mean severe pain and bleeding. It is divided into several chapters according to the severity of the disease. A Piles doctor specially monitor it. Piles medicine: Hemorrhoids / Piles can be eradicated by following some simple rules and home remedies in the initial stages. Irrespective of the severity of the disease, a Piles doctor’s prescription, some simple rules and piles medicines are suitable for permanent treatment of piles. Permanent treatment of piles:  If you are a patient or suffering from piles / hemorrhoids then definitely seek the help of a Piles doctor, permanent treatment of piles is possible Piles treatment: In our Piles treatment system incisions or operations are unnecessary. Expert piles doctor’s instructions and remedies are our Piles treatmen. As per the feedback of the patients, two dose of Piles medicine as recommended by our expert Piles doctors are helpful in relieving bleeding and acute pain. Our expert Piles doctors provide piles treatment and medical services according to the severity of the disease. Please call for more details. Frequently Asked Questions Piles cure in 3 days Drink plenty of water, eat butter, eat fiber-rich foods or eat Isabgol husks to avoid constipation. Take medicines or remedies as prescribed by an Ayurvedic specialist to avoid piles pain and bleeding. Check out Akhayloke Ayurved’s ‘Arshwakuthar and Arshwakalpa’ for quick results. Regularly wash and clean the areas affected by Piles / hemorrhoids with warm water. Definitely stop consuming alcohol, tea, coffee, etc. as advised by the specialist. Bleeding piles treatment Take medicines or remedies as prescribed by an Ayurvedic expert to avoid the pain and bleeding of piles. Check “Arshwakuthar and Arshwakalpa” by Akhayloke Ayurved for quick result. Best medicine for piles:  Akhayloke Ayurved’s ArshwaKuthar (500 mg. * 30 pc ) Pillsand Arshwakalpa ( 500 mg. * 30pc ) Pills . Why will piles come:  Symptoms of hemorrhoids (piles symptoms) include lumps or swollen veins at the base of the anus or anus. Normally during bowel movements, these lumps of flesh protrude and hang out of the anus like grapes. In some cases, these lumps of flesh enter the anus on their own. Besides, some other Piles symptoms can be observed. Diet without fiber, less water consumption, constipation due to multiple causes, excessive pressure for stools, rectal varicose veins are causes of Piles

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Kidney Stone Treatment

kidney stone treatment

kidney stones – Symptoms, Causes & Treatment In almost all the developed and developing countries of the world today, about 15 people out of every 100 people face the problem of kidney stones. Nowadays its trend is increasing among people of different age groups. From 20 to 50 years, the incidence of this disease is high regardless of men and women.Although there is no specific cause of kidney stones in the hands of medical science. Inadequate water intake, excess weight, excess non-vegetarian diet or certain dietary habits are considered to be causes ofkidney stones. Besides, increased calcium in the blood, uric acid and frequent urinary infections are considered causes of kidney stones Symptoms of kidney stones: Symptoms of kidney stones are observed in a person especially night fever and reluctance to eat, nausea. Severe pain in the waist or back is considered a symptom of kidney stones. Kidney stone treatment: In Ayurveda, according to the treatment of kidney stones, a specialist / Ayurvedacharji will confirm the stone and its size through various tests. An Ayurvedacharji prescribes certain remedies, which provide severe pain relief as the stones dissolve. According to feedback of patients, 16mm stones cleared in 40 days, one dose is enough for kidney stone pain. Kidney Stones Symptoms: Besides, the symptoms of kidney stones include painful urination, blood in urine, foul-smelling urine, difficulty urinating, frequent urination, etc. Diagnosis: A specialist consultant performs some tests such as abdominal ultrasound, CT scan or plain x-ray of the waist. MRI is advised in some cases.In allopathy treatment system, kidney stones are removed by surgery or laparoscopy. In some cases with surgical or laparoscopic treatment, future recurrence of kidney stones tis observed. Ayurvedic treatment does not require any kind of surgery. Small to large kidney stones are easily excreted from the body. Several herbs mentioned in Ayurveda such as kultva dal, gokshur, patharkuchi, etc. can easily dissolve kidney stones.According to feedback of patients, 16mm stones cleared in 40 days, one dose is enough for kidney stone pain. Kidney stones medicine: In Ayurveda, a specialist doctor / Ayurvedacharji will confirm the stone and its size through various test. A specialist prescribes certain remedies, which provide severe pain relief as the stones dissolve. Kidney Stones Pain: Kidney stones often move into the ureter and block the ureter. As a result, the kidney increases pressure and the ureter constricts in an effort to push the stone out, which sometimes causes a wave of pain. And you may experience the following symptoms: sharp pains under the armpits, flanks and back that may radiate to the lower abdomen and groin. Kidney stones Remove: In Ayurveda, Depending on the size of the kidney stone, A specialist prescribes the duration of treatment and medication. According to data from patients who got rid of kidney stones, 08 mm stones are removed in about 21 days. Frequently Asked Questions How to prevent kidney stones ? To prevent kidney stones, stay hydrated, reduce salt intake, limit animal protein, avoid oxalate-rich foods, and get enough calcium from dietary sources. Maintain a healthy weight, avoid excessive supplements, consider medication, monitor urine pH, limit sugar and refined carbohydrates, and regularly monitor for family or personal history of kidney stones. Regular check-ups can help detect stones early and adjust prevention strategies accordingly. Why Ayurveda for kidney stone remove? In Ayurveda, kidney stones regardless of size, do not require excision or surgery. Various herbs described in Ayurveda dissolve or break kidney stones and remove them from the body. According to data obtained from patients free of kidney stones, 8 mm stones were cleared in 21 days. A specialist / Ayurvedchaya prescribes remedies and time roughly in this ratio. Ayurveda is a safe and natural remedy that has evolved since the dawn of creation. Ayurveda has a holistic approach to kidney stone care, emphasising natural treatments, root cause treatment, individualised treatment, dietary changes, andprevention. It dissolves stones using herbs such as Punarnava, Gokshura, Varun, and Pashanbheda, with minimum negative effects. Ayurvedic remedies alsoaddress body dosha imbalances, which help to preventrecurrence. Do kidney stones go away? Kidney stones can pass through the urinary tract without medical intervention, but they may also require treatment. Small stones (less than 5 mm) naturally dissolve in liquids; Medium stones (5-10 mm) may require medication to relax the urethra; And in case of large stones, In allopathic treatment may require surgery (more than 10 mm). In Ayurvedic treatment system treats kidney stones irrespective of their size. Various herbs described in Ayurveda dissolve or break kidney stones and release them out of the body. Following your doctor’s instructions is important for getting rid of kidney stones. What dissolves kidney stones fast ? Kidney stones, which are often composed of calcium or uric acid, can be dissolved using a variety of procedures. Common treatments include hydration, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, basil juice, pomegranate juice, prescription drugs, dietary modifications, In allopathic, shock wave lithotripsy, and surgery . It is critical to consult a healthcare expert for a thorough treatment plan tailored to the kind, size, and location of the kidney stones. What is kidney stone pain like Kidney stone pain, also known as renal colic, is a severe, sudden, acute, stabbing, or cramping discomfort that can last from mild to horrible It originates in the kidneys and can spread to the lower abdomen and groin. problems may include nausea, vomiting, haematuria, frequent urination, restlessness, and urinary problems. Share Your Feedback:

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